Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weekly Chore Schedule

This is my cleaning schedule. Taking real life into consideration! 

Sunday: The Lord’s Day!
Worship Him! Rest!
Monday: Clean Master Bedroom
Wash and Change Bed Linens
Tuesday: Clean &Take Inventory of Fridge,
Freezer, & Pantry
Make Menu & Shopping List
Wednesday: Grocery Shop & Errands
Thursday: Pay Bills & Purge Mail & Planner
Garden Work
Friday: Organize and get rid of unwanted or unused items from one room each week.*
Saturday: Work in the yard or on a home improvement project.
*Week 1: Kitchen
*Week 2: Bathrooms & Yard
*Week 3: Master Bedroom
*Week 4: Kids Room
*Week 5: Living Room

Daily Chores

This is our daily chore chart. 

Make bed
Make Breakfast
Table Clean up
Start a load of laundry
Take out dinner
Kitchen and Living Room quick pick up
chore of the day
Oldest Son  
Fold and put away blankets, make bed
Feed the Dogs
Sweep the Kitchen
Take out the trash
Chore of the day
Help with laundry
Dinner dishes
Oldest Daughter
Clean room and make bed
Feed animals
Wipe counters and table am
Breakfast and lunch dishes
Chore of the day
Help with Laundry
Dinner Clean-up
Middle Daughter 
Clean room and put pillows on the bed
Pick up shoes and toys in Living Room
Help put away clean dishes
Wipe chairs and table at lunch time
Little ones
Be sweet and adorable! 

Our Schedule

Morning Routine


Wakeup!!! Read and pray.


Get ready for the day.


Make breakfast! Children wake up, get ready & eat breakfast.


Family worship and devotions.


Daily Chores.*


Outside time!


Snack and disciplined studies.*

*Check master schedule.

Afternoon Routine


Lunch and clean up.


Nap time for little ones.


Fine arts. Pick up projects!


Outside play time for children. If weather is too severe, a quiet indoor project.

Sewing project for mom.


Begin Dinner with helper.

Older children finish up school or read.


Hang, fold, put away laundry.

Evening Routine


Finish up dinner. Set table with helper.


Dinner and clean up.


Free time.


Children get ready for bed, story time and in bed!


Dad and Mom time. Go to bed!

The Ultimate Homeschooling Tip

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

Discipline and Discipleship- First and foremost, be diligent to teach your little ones the word of God. As they learn to submit to God’s word and the authority He has lovingly and providentially placed over them, they will gain a heart of wisdom and understanding. It will be very difficult, to say the least, if our children cannot obey us, to educate them as God has called us. We must make first time obedience our highest educational priority. Our greatest goal should not be high test scores, prestigious colleges, degrees, or even to merely to complete the curriculum. For what will it profit these little ones if they gain worldly wisdom and have not the wisdom God will impart to their very souls by the implanted word. Instead, are greatest joy should be that our children walk in truth. If they know and love the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart then He himself will be their sufficiency. By all means we are to educate our children so they may be productive adults who can do all that the Lord has called them to do. Sow the scriptures in their life and reap a harvest of a Christ-centered home and education. This of course cannot be accomplished apart from the work of the Holy Spirit in our life and in the hearts of our children. But let us make this our aim, to be well pleasing to the Lord, as we discipline, and disciple our children. For to this, we have all been called, homeschoolers or not!