Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where do I begin?


What is Biblical womanhood? What is a keeper of the home? I cannot answer those huge questions all at once but will make meager attempts to give small glimpses of what it looks like and what the scriptures say.
There is much confusion and deception about biblical womanhood and the roles men and women were created to fulfill. In church there is a pull to be involved in tons of activities and ministries that keep us busy away from the home. Being a keeper of the home doesn't mean we never leave or serve but it means what God has immediately places before us is a priority and taking care of the needs of our family first before we run all over to care for the never ending needs of others. Jesus being the most concerned about others then we ever could be, told his disciples that the poor you have with you always, but me you will not always have.(my paraphrase). Now, I'm not saying that out families or homes are on par with Christ and we should neglect the poor, but the raising of children does not last forever and one day they will be grown and our homes will look different once again. And God is greatly glorified when we live simple content lives serving Him where He has placed and and doing what we were created for. Our children and husbands need us to be all there, and that takes vision from God and empowering of the Holy Spirit. I don't want to waste the precious small time God gives me to impact the lives of my dearly loved children. I am not giving families as an excuse as to why we cannot practice the "one anothers", God forbid, as a matter of fact the home is the perfect place for these things to begin and take place. But God is not schizophrenic- He knows exactly what He is doing and He has a purpose to glorify Himself through the distinct roles we are deigned for. There will be many opportunities that will come your way but few if any are as important as "Mother."
We need to know exactly where God has called us and what that role looks like. And we can know! God's word is where we find our pattern for biblical womanhood, what God requires from us and where are liberties are in Christ. I want to know what God's word says and go no further. I struggled and worked through these questions for years before God brought me to a place of passion, freedom, and contentment, but I'm here by the grace of God! I still have my struggles but I am convinced and have great confidence in God's word.

Spend sometime in prayer--Ask God to
1. reveal any areas in your heart that are not aligned with His will
2. increase your desire to please only Him
3. cleanse your mind from worldly philosophy

Let us go straight to the Bible and let His word dwell richly in us, may it take root in our heart's and cause us to grow into women of virtue. Let us not be women of ignorance who think and conduct ourselves as the heathen but let us worship God in whose image we were created by offering our very lives to do His perfect sovereign will. Let us search the scriptures diligently and obey them, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of our God and Savior Jesus Christ!
Abide in Him and you will bear much fruit!


jochebed1 said...

all your posts are very christ centered and based upon the word of God. that is the part which i appreciate the most about your blog. keep it up through His grace alone.


Anonymous said...

Great posts!