Thursday, June 5, 2008

Out of the Haze, Into Joyful Womanhood


Christian Feminisim, it's an oxymoron but it does exist. If you are a Christian woman, then you probably would say that you know you are definitely not a feminist, "I believe in marriage and submission". Well, I thought the same thing until, by God's grace, I began to see that something just wasn't right with what was going on within the church. I was torn in several directions, passionately using my gifts through ministry's in the church or a career that brought financial and temporary accolades or effectively managing my home with that same passion, joy, and confidence. I knew wanted to live for God and I wanted be a stay at home mom, but what did it look like and how do I serve God at home? Then slowly, by the providential hand of God, He began to lead me out of the haze of evangelical feminism. I was moving right along with the flow of ministry minded woman who were seeking to serve God by any means other than the honored role of wife, homemaker, and mother, this was just a by-product (mostly avoided) of marriage. It was those in position of bible study leader, worship ministry, missionary and evangelist that were considered the "godly" women, those we ought to respect and emulate. There was always women who were doing what they ought, contentedly serving at home, but they were not the highly praised ones. And I wanted to be "godly"! But something happened, praise to God, that would change my life forever. I married by best friend. My husband didn't change me, but God, through the marriage relationship began to open my eyes to the far reaching effects of the lies of and my own sin! It has been a long road and it didn't happen over night but as I continually clung to the standard of God's word for truth, God has set me free from the worldly philosophy marriage and family. I am so thankful to my gracious sovereign Lord who has kept me through so much searching, I could have been led astray by various heretical doctrines or just laid down and given in to what others were doing. But God did not allow me to be content with the status quo and the Holy Spirit led me into truth, as He is faithful to do. I wasn't happy with what I was seeing or doing because it lacked purpose, lasting fruit and biblical soundness. I finally did come to a place where I saw God's word clearly enough to know that I was being taught was a watered down version of biblical womanhood and femininity and I rejected it. I have found in Christ by obedience to the Word of God true contentment. I still have many things to learn as I grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord, and by his grace He will keep me pursuing His glory and not my own.
I'm just one beggar telling another beggar where I found food that satisfies. How I longed for wise older women to come alongside me, when I was searching. This is why I share my life and God's word with other women, that God may use these lessons from my life, to encourage other sisters in their pursuit of God. That they too, may be set free, by the truth from the scriptures, to love their husband and children, be keepers at home, chaste, discrete that God's word is not blasphemed. And in the midst they may have the encouragement of others who have gone before them and the contentment that comes from obedience to the God they love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! If only the rest of our society would think this way.
Great Post!